Buoy Policy

The Lake Tahoe Park Association Buoy Policies and Procedures are established to provide for the use of all mooring buoys by members of the Association in a fair and equitable manner.
General Buoy Policy
- The Association owns and maintains buoys for the use of members by application for a fee. A deposit is no longer collected, however, failure to remove boats from assigned buoys on time will be considered a violation of the terms of this Agreement and a $300 fee will be charged to the member of record’s account.
- Members must be in good standing and all Association assessments and fees must be paid in full and current to be eligible to apply for a buoy
- All Members requesting a buoy (“Applicant”) must submit a Buoy Application and Agreement (“Agreement”) to be considered for buoy assignment.
- If two members (in good standing) are partners in a boat, each member can submit an application for a buoy (for the same boat). However, each member would have to submit their own application and choose a buoy season. The application will be processed as any other application regardless of boat ownership.
- The policies for buoys apply to boats (power and sail) and personal watercraft. The term “boat” is used for simplicity.
- The boat registration must be in the name of the Applicant. With permission of the Association Member a parent, child, grandparent, grandchild or sibling of a member may be the boat owner. The Association Member must also sign and join in the Agreement.
- The boat’s current liability insurance policy must name Lake Tahoe Park Association as an additional insured. Minimum coverage required is $500,000 comprehensive liability coverage.
- Guests and tenants/renters may not apply for full or half season buoy use. Weekly rentals may be available (see Weekly Buoy Policies and Procedures for more information) depending upon the availability of buoys.
- Buoys are generally available for full or half season reservation. The Board of Directors (Board) will determine whether full season buoys will be available and define the buoy season by its January Board meeting. The established season will be posted on the Association website and reflected on application forms.
- The boating season begins the Friday before Memorial Day and ends the first Sunday in October. The boating season lasts approximately 18 weeks.
- First half season dates start the Friday before Memorial Day, and ends nine (9) weeks later, typically the last Sunday in July or the first Sunday in August. Second half season dates start on the following Wednesday and end the first Sunday in October. The exact dates are posted on the Association website and on the application/agreement forms.
- Weekly buoys are rented Sunday to Sunday (3 pm -11 am). Weekly buoys are available for a maximum of two (2) weeks. Additional weeks may be available depending on demand.
- Daily buoys maybe available for rent, if a weekly buoy is not occupied for the full week.
- Boats and mooring lines must be vacated from the buoy no later than 11 AM on the last day of rental period.
Rental Fees
The Board sets the rental fees no later than the January Board meeting. The current fees are set forth in the LTPA Fee Schedule, posted on the Association Web site, and on the applications.
Buoy Use Policies
- The size of the boat must be appropriate to the buoy available for rental, (maximum boat size is 27 feet).
- Mooring lines must be at least 1 3/4” diameter size (or appropriate for the size of the boat) with proper marine fittings at both ends, and properly sized in length for the boat and the buoy assigned.
- The minimum and maximum length of the mooring line will be determined by the buoy field placement of the boat and verified by the General Manager.
- Dinghies are provided at each pier for the use of the boaters. Prior to use, dinghy, oars, and life preservers must be checked out from the office building by someone at least 16 years of age.
- The dinghy, oars, and life preservers must be returned, and the dinghy locked to the bulkhead.
- The pier is for use by member boats for loading and unloading, only. Boats may not be left unattended and never moored at the pier.
- Boats may not enter the swimming area.
- Boats may not be anchored within the buoy field.
- Boats and personal watercraft are not allowed to use the beach area for loading, unloading or beaching at any time.
- The speed limit in the buoy area is limited to idle speed but not to exceed 5 mph within 600 feet of shore. (Per TRPA Ordinance).
- Boaters should be aware of swimmers in the area. Swimmers should not infringe on boater’s ability to safely and effectively access the piers for docking.
- Boats may not be fueled in the buoy field or at the piers, except in an emergency.
- An Applicant may not assign the use of their buoy, allow a different boat to be placed on their assigned buoy or allow non-members to access their boat without the boat owner present. .
- Individual non-motorized dinghies may be placed at the south end of the beach or in the designated upper level. This is not included in the Buoy Application and Agreement. An additional fee and Small Watercraft Application and Agreement must be submitted for dinghy storage. (See website for Small Watercraft Application and Agreement and Policies and Procedures)
Terms of Use and Sanctions for Violations
The following terms of use and sanctions for violation must be acknowledged as accepted on the submitted Buoy Application and Agreement:
1. Applicant(s) hereby makes application for use of a buoy at the rates listed above and terms herein. All documents and fees requested on this Buoy Application and Agreement ("Agreement”) must accompany the Agreement and be received by the required deadline or Applicants will not be considered for a buoy.
2. Applicant(s) agrees not to assign, sublet, transfer or lend an Association buoy. Buoy renters are responsible for removing their boat from the rented Association buoy on the date stated on this contract. Failure to remove boats from assigned buoys on time will be considered a violation of the terms of this Agreement.
3. In consideration for the use of a buoy, as a boat owner and buoy renter, Applicant(s) accepts the use of a buoy under the terms of this Agreement and agrees to abide by the current edition of the Association’s Buoy Policies and Procedures (available at www.laketahoeparkassociation.com ) which Applicant(s) acknowledges having read. Applicant(s) agrees the Association may cancel this Agreement at any time if user of the buoy violates the terms of this Agreement or the Buoy Policies and Procedures or any rule or requirement of the Association related to the buoy, pier and boat area. Applicant(s) agrees that a violation of the terms of this Agreement or the Buoy Policies and Procedures or any rule or requirement of the Association related to the buoy, pier and boat area may result in forfeiture of the buoy rental fee, a fee charged to the member of record’s account, without proof of any specific damages, and forfeiture of the right of Applicant(s) to use the buoy in the current season and elimination of future rights to participate in the buoy selection process, all as determined by the Association Board of Directors.
Release of All Claims
The following release of all claims must be acknowledged as accepted on the submitted Buoy Application and Agreement.
Applicant(s) accepts liability for all claims, damages and injuries incurred relating to this Agreement and use of the buoy. Applicant(s) releases from any and all liability and agrees not to sue, and will defend, indemnify and hold harmless, Lake Tahoe Park Association and its officers, directors, employees and agents, from any action, suit, claim, demand, liability, judgment, damage, or costs, including attorney’s fees, arising out of or related to use of the buoy by the undersigned and the undersigned’s agents, family and designees.
Half and Full Season Buoy Process
The window for accepting half and full season Buoy Application and Agreement (“Agreement”) is as follows:
Opening date: February 1st of each year. No buoy applications will be accepted prior to that date.
Closing date: March 31st of each year (must be received by this date [no exceptions] to be eligible for the drawing). Membership assessments must be paid in full before submission of the application.
Application/agreement forms are available on the Association website (www.laketahoepark.com) or by contacting the General Manager for the best way to download or receive the Buoy Application and Agreement.
Complete the Application and Agreement in full.
All Applications and Agreements must include the following:
1. An Agreement signed by the Applicant and the sponsoring member Applicant, (if applicable).
2. A check for the Total Due, payable to “Lake Tahoe Park Association".
3. A copy of the boat’s registration in the name of the Applicant.
4. Proof of insurance showing:
- The insured is the Applicant.
- The boat insured is the boat described in the Agreement.
- Lake Tahoe Park Association is named as an ADDITIONAL INSURED on the policy.
- A minimum coverage of $500,000 comprehensive liability coverage is required.
Mail all forms, documents and payment to the Association mailbox: P.O. Box 5771 Tahoe City, CA 96145. Please do not include an application in the same envelope as submission of assessment payment.
Applicants will be notified, by email, of the buoy assignment/award within one week following the buoy drawing date. Note: Applicants need not be present at the drawing to be selected for a buoy.
Drawing for Buoy Assignment
Due to the increased demand for buoys and an increase in the average size of member boats, it has become necessary to institute a drawing that allocates boats to buoys based on size of boat and how they fit in the buoy field.
This drawing process will be used to fill half season and full season buoy assignments, depending on what is offered for the season.
Maximum boat size is 27 feet. However, due to the constraints of our buoy field, there are a limited number of buoys that will accommodate larger sized boats.
Applications must be received by March 31 of each year to be eligible for the drawing. The drawing is held on the first Saturday in April at 10:00 am at the Park. Except when the first Saturday is April 1, then the drawing will be held on April 8.
The names of eligible applicants will be placed in a “hat” for a blind drawing. One of the attendees either volunteers or is selected to draw folded papers, from a “hat” each with an applicant’s name written on it.
The General Manager will then assign that applicant a buoy based on boat size and type (Motor or Sail). As the drawing proceeds, the buoy field will fill up by boat size. If there are not enough buoys to accommodate a drawn applicant’s boat size, the applicant will be placed on a “Priority” list. Any applicant on the “Priority” list will be given first chance if a buoy appropriate to boat size opens up in the half season for which they applied. The “Priority” applicant will be offered a buoy spot for the alternative season if one is available after the drawing for each season is completed. If a “Priority” applicant does not receive a buoy, for this season, they will have priority in the following season, and be assigned a buoy. An Applicant chosen in the drawing, who turns down the offer of a season buoy this season will not be placed on the Priority list for the following year. “Priority” buoy applicants must still apply the following year to be awarded their priority status buoy. If an application is not received in the following year, the priority status is terminated.
Half and Full Season Buoy Allotment Process (when full season is offered)
The Association has 50 buoys available during normal water level seasons.
The Association takes out 3 buoys up front. (1 buoy for emergencies and 2 buoys designated as weekly rental buoys.)
The remaining 47 buoys are available for assignment.
· The number of half season buoy applications are identified first.
· The half season with the most applications is reserved first. Using the drawing system described above.
· The requests for the other half fill-in these spots, (using drawing system described above). Historically, there are more first half season buoy requests then second half requests.
· The half season with the greatest number of requests becomes the control for the remaining process. Usually there are 11 to 15 applicants for the first half season.
Assuming 12 applicants for half season that would leave 35 buoys available to the "full season” applicants.
Prior years “priority” applicants are assigned full season buoys.
Historically there are 5 to 12 eligible priority applicants each year.
Assuming 12 “priority” applicants, there would then be 23 buoys left to give out for full season applicants.
Historically there are about 30 applicants left in the application pool once priority applicants have been selected.
The drawing system described above will be used to select buoy assignments for the full season, and the order of “priority” applicants for the next year.
Half Season Buoy Allotment Process: (when only Half Season is offered)
The drawing process described above will be used to select buoy assignments for each half season.
The Policies for handling “priority” applicants described above applies if used for Half Season applicants.
Weekly Buoy Application Process
There may be 2 buoys set aside for weekly rentals. These are in high demand in July and August.
Weekly buoys are rented Sunday to Sunday (3 pm-11 am). Weekly buoys are available for a maximum of 2 weeks. Additional weeks maybe available depending on demand and availability of buoys.
Priority is given to those members who did not receive a half season. If a member is applying for a weekly buoy and already has a half season, their application will be pending until the week before the desired week. If a buoy is not rented by another member, the week will become available to those who had a half season.
The window for accepting Weekly Buoy Application and Agreement ("Weekly Agreement”) starts the Saturday prior to Memorial Weekend. The exact dates will be posted on the Association website and on the application/ agreement. Weekly Agreements are accepted until the buoy season is over.
Weekly Agreements are available on the Association website (www.laketahoepark.com) or contact the General Manager for the best way to download or receive the Weekly Agreement.
Weekly buoy applicants must complete the Weekly Buoy Application and Agreement.
All applications must include all of the following:
1. An Agreement signed by the Applicant and the Sponsoring member applicant (if applicable)
2. A check for the total due (Fee) made out to “Lake Tahoe Park Association”.
3. A copy of the boat’s registration in the name of the Applicant.
4. Proof of insurance showing:
o the insured is the Applicant.
o the boat insured is the boat described in the Agreement.
o Lake Tahoe Park Association is named as an ADDITIONAL INSURED on the policy.
o A minimum coverage of $500,000 comprehensive liability coverage is required.
5. Proof of Association membership or when applicable, proof of renting from a member of the Association in good standing at the time of application.
Agreements are mailed to: Lake Tahoe Park Association, P.O. Box 5771, Tahoe City, CA 96145.
All weekly rentals begin on Sunday at 3:00 PM and go until the following Sunday at 11:00 AM. Only the General Manager can make an exception to this timing.
In the case where more than two applicants want to apply for a buoy for the same week, then the onsite Manager will assign the buoy based on the following priorities:
1. Association members who have not previously been assigned a buoy during the season will have first priority on any available buoy, including buoys which may have been assigned per 2. and 3., below, up to one week before the desired week.
2. Association members who have been assigned first half or second half buoys may apply for weekly buoys that fall outside their buoy rental period only if the buoys held for weekly rental are not applied for by an Association member who has not previously been assigned a buoy during the current season. These applications will be accepted up to one week prior to the week requested. Tentative approval will be granted, subject to possible receipt of application from an association member previously not assigned a buoy and, if no such application is received, the reservation will be confirmed one week before the week requested.
3. Qualified renters may apply for available buoys in this situation as follows: A qualified renter is a renter of a member in good standing.
4. A renter may apply for a buoy in advance but must wait until one week prior to the applied for date before the applicant’s request will be considered and tentatively confirmed. If a buoy is available, tentative approval will be granted pending application of qualified Association members identified in situations 1. and 2. above, until one week before the week requested, at which point the confirmation will become final.
5. All tentative buoy assignments will be confirmed one week from the beginning of the desired week. Weekly buoys that remain available less than one week from the start of a week may be assigned on a first-come/first-served basis.
In all cases, the General Manager is the final arbiter over assignment of weekly buoys.
After all seasonal buoys have been vacated on the first Sunday in October, the General Manager has discretion to rent individual buoys on a weekly or daily basis for the remainder of the month of October depending upon weather. These buoys may not be reserved in advance and all applications must be made in person at the Park office. Post-season renters must be prepared to vacate a buoy prior to the end of their agreed rental period due to weather or other conditions. At all times the safety of boats is the responsibility of the Owner. Renters will not be reimbursed for unused period of their rental if required to vacate their buoy prior to the end of their agreed upon rental period. (Note: East windstorms during October can and will destroy boats moored in the LTPA buoy field.)
The above policies are taken from the LTPA Policy and Procedure Manual (2021), which can be viewed here.